Embark on a Transformative Journey to…

unlock your best self

Hello, my name is Tatiana. 

Thank you for visiting my website. For a while, I have been providing Bioresonance sessions for my clients, helping them find balance and harmony within their bodies. But deep down, I always felt that there was something more, something deeper, waiting to be discovered.

This feeling led me to open myself up to different ways of healing. I began to explore the possibility that there is something beyond our understanding. With this curiosity in mind, I decided to take a short course on quantum healing. Little did I know that this would be the start of an incredible journey.

As I delved into quantum healing, I began to work with my imagination, visualising and sensing energy in new ways. At some point, I started to see vivid images, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not so much. These images would appear in front of me, unbidden and persistent. It wasn’t my imagination; I couldn’t control or dismiss them. They were simply there, as if I had stepped into a different room, guided by something beyond myself.

At first, I thought I was losing my mind. I shared my experiences with my husband and my kids, feeling both excited and anxious. To my surprise, they, along with some of my open-minded clients, began to accept and even encourage this new way of working. They asked me to conduct sessions using these new insights, and I noticed changes. As these images appeared in my mind, I worked on clearing them and my clients felt it had a strong and positive impact on their lives.

Encouraged by these results, I began to explore this further, learning more and connecting with other practitioners who do similar work. During my sessions, I often find myself coughing, yawning, and transmuting energy. These reactions were new to me, but I decided to embrace them. If these experiences were happening, they must be meant to happen.

I still incorporate Bioresonance sessions into what I do because I think it’s an amazing tool. Bioresonance has always been a cornerstone of my practice, and its effectiveness continues to impress me. However, I also wanted to find a name that truly encapsulated the essence of this new approach. After considering various options, I decided that the one that resonates most with me is intuitive healing.

Before this journey into intuitive healing began, I wrote a book titled How to Get Out of the Fog: The Blueprint to Put Your Life Back on Track Through Self-Discipline. I have been on a self-development journey for years and years, even long before I moved to Australia 15 years ago. Back in Poland, I had already started attending various classes and workshops, constantly seeking to grow and evolve.

If you feel drawn to this, contact me. But remember, it’s all about you. It’s not about me; it’s about your self-healing journey. My role is not to heal you, but to give you the tools to heal yourself. That’s what’s truly amazing about this work—it’s incredibly empowering.

So here I am, offering this journey to you. Whether it’s through Bioresonance, intuitive healing, or a combination of both, I am here to support your journey towards balance and well-being.

Intuitive Healing Sessions

Our sessions involve a deep dive into the subconscious to unravel harmful patterns and memories. By tapping into your higher consciousness and using specially developed quantum tools, we cleanse and reshape the quantum field to naturally attract positive experiences aligned with your desires. And every step of the way, your higher consciousness guides the process, ensuring it’s all for your highest good.


Along side intuitive healing I use Bioresonance. This is a holistic and non-invasive approach to energy balancing. Your body has 37 trillion cells, and each of those cells emits a frequency. When a cell is healthy and functioning, it emits a certain frequency but when it is sick it emits a different frequency. I use an energy wavelength machine called Bicom, which detects frequencies to then emit a counter-balancing frequency which supports your body’s natural self-healing process. For remote or in person sessions please contact me directly.
Note: Bioresonance should never be used to replace any medically proven diagnostic or treatment technology.

Are you feeling lost and unsure of how to progress on your self-development journey?

Do you sometimes feel like you are stuck in a fog?

I offer simple strategies and show you how to implement them in your daily life. Unlike typical motivational guides, this book focuses on enjoying the journey and provides a fresh perspective on personal growth.
My approach reminds you that life can be tough, encouraging you to be kind to yourself. Besides helpful advice, I also provide practical exercises conveniently placed at the end of the book. To take a look inside go to the How to Get Out of the Fog website. Get your copy today and start your journey!
Get your copy today!


15 | Finding your feminine when you’re in a fog with Tatiana Slezak

S1E15 – o tym jaką wartość czasem ma 50 dolarów, o uzależnieniu od jedzenia i wychodzeniu z mgły

Błogosławione Dno – Sekielski o nałogach

#13 – TATIANA SLEZAK Solif – سولف

Ep 46 – The secret to success and finding the right partner with Tatiana Slezak 

Episode 2 – Unveiling Self-Discovery: A Conversation with Tatiana Slezak

Hi I’m Tatiana

My interest in self-development has been a constant throughout my life. I can vividly recall my high school days, listening to Louise Hay’s wisdom on cassette tapes, always on the lookout for practical solutions to life’s challenges. This was instilled in me by my mother.

Now, as a wife, mother, author, and busy entrepreneur, I understand that I can’t afford to dwell in ‘la-la land.’ This realisation led me to write my book, where I share practical insights and methods for everyday life.

In my practice I’ve carefully selected what I believe to be the two most effective methods: Bioresonance and Intuitive Healing and often I mix those two together. These are not just theories; they’re practices that I’ve personally tested and integrated into my own life long before sharing them with others. 

My journey has been one of continuous exploration and growth, and I’m genuinely excited to offer these powerful tools to help you on your own path to well-being. If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to assist you on your journey.